The River Deli, Brooklyn Heights

Malloreddus Sardi Alla Campidanese

Malloreddus Sardi Alla Campidanese

I have no idea what to eat when I wake up on weekends in Brooklyn. There’s an unspoken pressure to eat breakfast in the morning, lunch in the afternoon, dessert after dinner, etc., but this doesn’t deter me from eating pasta for breakfast and ordering Vietnamese Seamless at 11 a.m. This, my friends, is precisely why I love the River Deli: pasta on the brunch menu. All I want to do is eat there, all day, and everyday. Continue reading

Camera Etiquette in Restaurants

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Silver Dollar Pancakes, Happy Days Diner

It’s a Sunday morning, as 1:00 PM constitutes morning on the weekend in NYC, and I’m in no particular rush and out for no particular reason but brunch. Every weekend I pass Happy Days Diner in Brooklyn Heights on my way to Smorgasburg and want silver dollar pancakes, but talk myself out of going in an effort to save room for Gooey Butter Cakes. Finally, after many summer weeks away working in the Hamptons, and many weekends away traveling for weddings, I’ve made a point of visiting Happy Days for some quality Brooklyn diner food. It just so happens that my first visit is coinciding with my long anticipated, recent purchase of a DSLR camera. Naturally, with a new blog, a new camera, and a free weekend, I’m inclined to take some photos. Unfortunately my brunch companion is my boyfriend, who never fails to call me out for taking pictures of my food. Continue reading